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Transferring a Domain Name to Another Registrar

Transferring a Domain Name to Another Registrar


As per ICANN's new domain transfer guidelines, effective 25th May 2018, all domain transfers will not require Form of Approval (FoA). The Transfer Authorization process will not require the Registrant Contact's approval via e-mail.

To Transfer your domain name away from SignDomains to another Registrar

  1. Before proceeding with the Transfer, you are advised to first check if your domain name can be transferred. 1

    Domain Name Extension Specific Caveats 

  2. Once you have determined whether a domain name can be transferred, you will need to apply for the Transfer at the Registrar of your choice. Refer to the New/Gaining Registrar's Transfer process to transfer your domain name under their management.


    You may require a Domain (Transfer) Secret/Authorization Code to complete the Transfer process. 3

  3. Once you have confirmed the Transfer with the New/Gaining Registrar, we would receive an intimation about this Transfer. SignDomains would then be sending an email to the Registrant Contactof the domain name, informing them that a request for Transfer of this domain name has been placed with the New/Gaining Registrar.

    Domain Transfer Authorization 

  4. The domain name will get transferred to the New/Gaining Registrar, at the expiry of 5 days from you having approved the Transfer at the New Registrar, provided the Registrant Contact does not cancel the Transfer.

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