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Using the Domain Forwarding Service

Activating the Domain Forwarding Service

  1. Proceed to the Domain Forwarding Service interface. 1

  2. Click the Manage Domain Forwarding link.

    The Domain Forwarding Management consists of the following:

    Setting the Destination URL for your domain name (Anchor: destinationurl)

    This can be achieved by following the steps mentioned below:

    1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Domain Forwarding Service interface. 1

    2. Click the Manage Domain Forwarding link. This will bring up the Domain Forwarding Management interface.

      • The Domain Forwarding Service gets activated when you set a destination URL for the first time.

      • For Resellers: The Domain Forwarding Management interface will be displayed only if the Order belongs to a Customer immediately under you. Otherwise, the below error message with be displayed:


        You are not allowed to perform this action.

    3. Click on the Add New link to add a new Domain Forwarding entry.

    4. Enter the sub-domain prefix, if required, and the destination URL in the text boxes provided. This may be of the form, etc.. You may also choose http or https protocol from the dropdown menu.


    5. Click the Save button.

    6. Click on the Add New link to add more entries and set multiple destination URLs for different sub-domains of the main domain.

      Adding a new entry for a previously added sub-domain will override the older entry and replace it with the newly added destination URL.

      Once added, you cannot modify the sub-domain prefix for an entry. You will need to delete the entry and add a new one.

    Additional Options (Anchor: options)

    You can click on the Advanced Settings link to manage options like URL Masking, Sub-Domain Forwarding and Path Forwarding.

    URL Masking (Anchor: urlmasking)

    If you enable URL Masking, then visitors to the domain name will be forwarded to your destination website; however the URL in their browser address bar will remain the same. Also known as Stealth Redirection or URL Hiding, this will ensure that your visitors see the original domain name and not the destination domain name.


    Your website is hosted at and you choose to forward to this website. If you enable URL Masking, your visitors will never see as a URL in their browser address bar.

    URL Masking will also work perfectly with Path Forwarding. In this case, if you type in in the browser, the URL in the browser would not change but the page displayed will be of

    Additional Information

    Path Forwarding

    How does URL Masking work? (Anchor: maskingwork)

    In case of URL Masking, the Domain Forwarding Server sends the visitor a frames page where the frame source contains the destination URL you have specified. This ensures that the URL in the address bar of the browser does not change though the visitor sees the destination page.

    To Enable / Disable URL Masking(Anchor: managemasking)

    1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Domain Forwarding Service interface. 2

    2. Click the Manage Domain Forwarding link. This will bring up the Domain Forwarding Management interface.

      • The Domain Forwarding Service gets activated, when you click the MANAGE DOMAIN FORWARDING link for the first time.

      • For Resellers: The Domain Forwarding Management interface will be displayed only if the Order belongs to a Customer immediately under you. Otherwise, the below error message with be displayed:


        You are not allowed to perform this action.

    3. Select either:

      • the On radio button under URL Masking / Stealth Redirection / URL Hiding section for enabling this feature, or

      • the Off radio button for disabling it.

      Having enabled URL Masking, you may want to set a Page Title and META Tags for the frames page which is sent to the visitor. This can be done by simply putting in your Meta Tags and <TITLE> Tags in the Header Tags box. Whatever you enter in this multi-line box will be output in between <HEAD> </HEAD> Tags on the frames page sent to the visitor. These have to be mentioned in the following format only:

      Meta Tags (Anchor: meta)

      <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Your comma-separated keywords are entered here">
      <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Website description of the forwarded domain name can be mentioned here">

      Page Title (Anchor: title)

      <TITLE>Your Webpage Title can be mentioned here</TITLE>


      Do not mention any text outside the above mentioned Tags or it will disrupt the Domain Forwarding Service for your domain name.

      NOFRAMES Page Content (Anchor: noframes)

      When URL Masking is enabled, the page served to the client is a frames page. Older browsers cannot resolve a frames based page. Moreover, Search Engines have problems trying to spider a frames based website. You may want to set an alternative <NOFRAMES> page content, which would be useful for older browsers and Search Engines. You just need to provide your <NOFRAMES> page HTML content in the No Frames Page Content box. Whatever you enter in this multi-line box will be displayed in between <NOFRAMES> </NOFRAMES> Tags on the frames page sent to the visitor. You may leave box blank, if you do not wish to display <NOFRAMES> page content.

    4. Click the Save button.

    Subdomain Forwarding (Anchor: subdomainfwding)

    Using the Subdomain Forwarding service, you can forward any visitor from to The Subdomain Forwarding Service can also be used in conjunction with URL Masking Service.


    If Subdomain Forwarding is enabled, then:

    To Enable / Disable Subdomain Forwarding(Anchor: managesfwd)

    1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Domain Forwarding Service interface. 3

    2. Click the Manage Domain Forwarding link. This will bring up the Domain Forwarding Management interface.

      • The Domain Forwarding Service gets activated, when you click the MANAGE DOMAIN FORWARDING link for the first time.

      • For Resellers: The Domain Forwarding Management interface will be displayed only if the Order belongs to a Customer immediately under you. Otherwise, the below error message with be displayed:


        You are not allowed to perform this action.

    3. Select either:

      • the On radio button under Sub Domain Forwarding section for enabling this feature, or

      • the Off radio button for disabling this feature.

    4. Click the Save button.

    Path Forwarding (Anchor: pathfwding)

    This feature would be highly useful when you already have a full fledged website on a particular domain name and want to not only forward some other domain name to it, but also all the paths associated with the website. Thus, if you forward to and you enable Path Forwarding for it, then would be forwarded to and so on.

    Path Forwarding will also work perfectly with URL Masking. In this case, if you type in in the browser, the URL in the browser would not change but the page displayed will be of

    Additional Information

    URL Masking

    To Enable / Disable Path Forwarding(Anchor: managepfwd)

    1. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name and proceed to the Domain Forwarding Service interface. 4

    2. Click the Manage Domain Forwarding link. This will bring up the Domain Forwarding Management interface.

      • The Domain Forwarding Service gets activated, when you click the MANAGE DOMAIN FORWARDING link for the first time.

      • For Resellers: The Domain Forwarding Management interface will be displayed only if the Order belongs to a Customer immediately under you. Otherwise, the below error message with be displayed:


        You are not allowed to perform this action.

    3. Select either:

      • the On radio button under Path Forwarding section for enabling this feature, or

      • the Off radio button for disabling this feature.


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